I discovered Jie Er Yin Xi Ye (literally “Clean Your Yin Wash-Liquid”) over twenty years ago when I was a medical student. One of my professors was a young doctor recently immigrated to the United States from China. After hearing about my struggle with repeated bouts of stubborn yeast infections, she was generous enough to share a couple of bottles from her closely guarded personal stash with me. I was amazed at its effectiveness but saddened that I was not able to share this magical liquid with my patients because, at the time, Jie Er Yin Xi Ye was not available for sale in the United States and the only way to get it was to have it hand-carried from China.

Fortunately a few years later my friend and colleague Dr. Daniel Hudson went through the extremely rigorous process that was required to get authorization to start importing Jie Er Yin Xi Ye (renamed “Yin-Care” for the American market) to the United States. Since then I have relied on this product to treat an extremely wide range of dermatological and gynecological conditions and it has very rarely failed me.

Yin-Care is designed to be diluted in water and applied as a douche, compress, soak, or spray. In various dilutions it can be used to address the following conditions:
- Acne
- Athlete’s foot
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Cervical dysplasia
- Cervicitis
- Cold sores
- Eczema
- Fungal infections (nails/toes/skin)
- Hemorrhoids
- Insect bites
- Poison ivy/oak
- Psoriasis
- Rashes
- Ringworm
- Rosacea
- Shingles
- Staph infections
- Vulvitis
- Yeast infections
- As a douche: Fill the Yin-Care douche applicator (see the image) to the wide point of the first accordion section for a 5% solution or to the narrow point of the first accordion section for a 10% solution and then fill the rest of the bottle with warm filtered water. Screw on the tip and gently invert the bottle to mix. Sit on the toilet and insert the tip into the vagina. Press the base of the bottle toward the tip, compressing the accordion sections to dispense the liquid into the vagina. Gently pat dry with toilet tissue or a clean towel. Douche 2-3 times per day for 5-6 days as a course of treatment.
- As a compress: Dilute Yin-Care to a 5-100% solution (as directed by your health care provider) and apply to the skin using a cotton ball or gauze pad. Apply 2-3 times per day for 5-6 days as a course of treatment.
- As a spray: Dilute Yin-Care to a 5-25% solution (as directed by your health care provider) and place in a small glass bottle with a pump-spray cap. Spray on the skin or genital area. Apply 2-3 times per day for 5-6 days as a course of treatment.
- For cervical conditions (such as cervical dysplasia or cervicitis): Dilute Yin-Care to 50% and place the liquid in a disposable menstrual disc (FLEX or Softdisc are two options) or soak an applicator-free tampon with it and insert in the vagina (this is a somewhat messy process that may take some practice). Wear overnight with old underwear and a pad to catch any leakage, 5-6 nights as a course of treatment.
- Because this formula is comprised of both the water-extracted and essential oil components of the herbs it contains, it is quite effective in even small concentrations.
- At concentrations of 10% or below, Yin-Care will not adversely affect the normal microflora of the skin or genital area.
- Patients with sensitive skin should always start with a 5% dilution.
- To create a solution that is supportive of the normal acidic pH of the vagina and the skin, the formulations described above can be augmented by adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar. A commonly used formulation for a vaginal douche is 10 mL Yin-Care, 5 mL apple cider vinegar, and 85 mL warm filtered water.